Creation of Luxury Shopping Mall in Central Asia

  • Conceptualized and implemented an overall retail strategy for a new luxury shopping mall

  • Traveled to the proposed site to evaluate the local and regional competition to better understand the project’s competition and more effectively provide direction to the overall planning strategy

  • Worked closely with the developer and operator to define an appropriate and balanced brand matrix that would bring exclusivity and appropriate positioning to the mall

  • Developed a floor plan to appropriately position brands, effectively drive traffic through the mall, and create the desired atmosphere for the customer, with particular emphasis on strategic brand adjacencies

  • Designed and developed presentation materials to clearly communicate the positioning of the mall and enable the brands to visualize the project

  • Provided high-level access to the brands identified for inclusion in the project and arranged meetings in Europe and New York to facilitate outreach and generate interest for the project

  • Acted as a liaison among all parties through to completion and successful opening of the mall